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Selected Publications

Choi, Y.*, Saron, W.A.A*, O’Neill, A., Senanayake, M., Wilder-Smith, A., Rathore, A.P.S., St. John, A.L. (2024). NKT cells promote Th1 immune bias to dengue virus that governs long-term protective antibody dynamics. Journal of Clinical Investigation. Sep 17;134(18). DOI: 10.1172/JCI169251 (* co-first)

O’Neill, A., Mantri, C.K., Tan, C.W., Saron, W.A.A., Nagaraj, S.K., Kala, M.P., Joy, C.M., Rathore, A.P.S., Tripathi, S., Wang, L., St. John, A.L. (2023). Mucosal SARS-CoV-2 vaccination of rodents elicits superior systemic T central memory function and cross-neutralising antibodies against variants of concern. eBiomedicine. Dec 18:99:104924. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104924

Saron, W.A.A., Shanmugam, K., Tung, C., Patmanathan, R.K., Rathore, A.P.S., Anderson, D.E., St. John, A.L. (2023). Exacerbated Zika virus-induced neuropathology and microcephaly in fetuses of dengue-immune nonhuman primates. Science Translational Medicine. 15,eadd2420(2023). DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.add2420

Tan, J.Y.J*, Anderson, D.E.*, Rathore, A.P.S., O’Neill, A., Mantri, C.K., Saron, W.A.A., Lee, C.Q.E., Chu, W.C., Kang, A.E.Z., Foo, R., Kalimuddin, S., Low, J.G., Ho, L., Tambyah, P., Burke, T.W., Woods, C.W., Chan, K.R., Karhausen, J., St. John, A.L. (2023). Mast cell activation in lungs during SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with lung pathology and severe COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Investigation. Oct 2;133(19):e149834.  DOI: 10.1172/JCI149834 (* co-first)

Kala, M.P., St. John, A.L., Rathore, A.P.S. (2023) Dengue: Update on Clinically Relevant Therapeutic Strategies and Vaccines. Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases. 2023;15(2):27-52. DOI: 10.1007/s40506-023-00263-w.  Epub 2023 Apr 18.

Rathore, A.P.S. and St. John, A.L. (2023). Promises and challenges of mucosal COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccine. Jun 19;41(27):4042-4049. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.04.013.  Epub 2023 Apr 10.

St. John, A. L., Rathore, A.P.S., Ginhoux, F. (2022) New perspectives on the origins and heterogeneity of mast cells. Nature reviews immunology. an;23(1):55-68. DOI: 10.1038/s41577-022-00731-2. Epub 2022 May 24.

Teh, Y.C., Chooi, M.Y., Liu, D., Kwok, I., Lai, G.C., Yong, L.A.O., Ng, M., Li,J.L., Tan, Y., Evrard, M., Tan, L., Liong, K.H., Leong, K., Goh, C.C., Chan, A.Y.J., Shadan, N.B., Mantri, C.K., Hwang, Y.Y., Cheng, H., Cheng, T., Yu, W., Tey, H.L., Larbi, A., St John, A.L., Angeli, V., Ruedl, C., Lee, B., Ginhoux, F., Chen, S.L., Ng, L.G., Ding, J.L, Chong, S.Z. (2022). Transitional premonocytes emerge in the periphery for host defense against bacterial infections. Science Advances. Mar 4;8(9):eabj4641. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj4641.  Epub 2022 Mar 4.

Wong W.X., Saron, W.A.A., Stewart, J.C., Hain, A. Walvekar, V., Missé, D., Thomas, F., Kini, R.M., Roche, B., Claridge-Chang, A., St John, A.L., Pompon, J. (2022) Dengue virus infection modifies mosquito blood-feeding behavior to increase transmission to the host. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119 (3). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2117589119

Rathore, A.P.S.*, Mantri, C.K.*, Tan, M.W.*, Shirazi, R., Nishida, A., Aman, S.A.B. Morrison, J., St John, A.L. (2021) Immunological and Pathological Landscape of Dengue Serotypes 1-4 Infections in Immune-Competent Mice Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.681950

Mantri, C.K., Soundarajan, G., Saron, W.A.A., Rathore, A.P.S., Alonso, S., St John, A.L. (2021). Maternal Immunity and Vaccination Influence Disease Severity in Progeny in a Novel Mast Cell-Deficient Mouse Model of Severe Dengue. Viruses. DOI: 10.3390/v13050900

Lee, C.Q.E., Kerouanton, B., Chothani, S., Zhang, S., Chen, Y., Mantri, C.K., Hock, D.H., Lim, R., Nadkarni, R., Huynh, V.T., Lim, D., Chew, W.L., Zhong, F.L., Stroud, D.A., Schafer, S., Tergaonkar, V., St John, A.L., Rackham, O.J.L., Ho, L. (2021) Coding and non-coding roles of MOCCI (C15ORF48) coordinate to regulate host inflammation and immunity. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22397-5

Syenina, A., Saron, W.A.A., Jagaraj, C.J., Bibi, S., Arock, M., Gubler, D.J., Rathore, A.P.S., Abraham, S.N., St John, A.L. (2020) Th1-Polarized, Dengue Virus-Activated Human Mast Cells Induce Endothelial Transcriptional Activation and Permeability. Viruses. DOI: 10.3390/v12121379

Rasha Msallam,* Jozef Balla,* Abhay P. S. Rathore, Hassen Kared, Benoit Malleret, Wilfried A. A. Saron, Zhaoyuan Liu, Jing Wen Hang, Charles Antoine Dutertre, Anis Larbi, Jerry K. Y. Chan, Ashley L. St. John,† Florent Ginhoux,† (2020). Fetal mast cells mediate postnatal allergic responses dependent on maternal IgE. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aba0864 (* co-first, † co-corresponding)

Rathore, A.P.S., Farouk, F.S., St John, A.L. (2020) Risk factors and biomarkers of severe dengue. Current Opinion in Virology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coviro.2020.06.008

Rathore, A.P.S., Senanayake, M., Athapathu, A.S., Gunasena, S., Karunaratna, I., Leong, W.Y., Lim, T., Mantri, C.K., Wilder-Smith, A., St John, A.L. (2020) Serum chymase levels correlate with severe dengue warning signs and clinical fluid accumulation in hospitalized pediatric patients. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68844-z

Rathore, A.P.S., St John, A.L. (2020) Protective and pathogenic roles for mast cells during viral infections. Current Opinion in Immunology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coi.2020.05.003

Kwok, I., Becht, E., Xia, Y., Ng, M., Teh, Y.C., Tan, L., Evrard, M., Li, J.L.Y., Tran, H.T.N., Tan, Y., Liu, D., Mishra, A., Liong, K.H., Leong, K., Zhang, Y., Olsson, A., Mantri, C.K., Shyamsunder, P., Liu, Z., Piot, C., Dutertre, C.A., Cheng, H., Bari, S., Ang, N., Biswas, S.K., Koeffler, H.P., Tey, H.L., Larbi, A., Su, I.H., Lee, B., St John, A.L., Chan, K.Y.J., Hwang, W.Y.K., Chen, J., Salomonis, N., Chong, S.Z., Grimes, H.L., Liu, B., Hidalgo, A., Newell, E.W., Cheng, T., Ginhoux, F., Ng, L.G. (2020) Combinatorial Single-Cell Analyses of Granulocyte-Monocyte Progenitor Heterogeneity Reveals an Early Uni-potent Neutrophil Progenitor. Immunity. DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.06.005

St John, A.L., Rathore, A.P.S. (2020) Early Insights into Immune Responses during COVID-19. Journal of Immunology. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.2000526

Hsieh, J.T., St John, A.L. (2020) Japanese encephalitis virus and its mechanisms of neuroinvasion.  PLoS Pathogens. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008260

Rathore, A.P.S., St. John, A.L. (2020) Cross-Reactive Immunity Among Flaviviruses. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00334

Rathore, A.P.S., Mantri, C.K., Aman, S.A.B., Syenina, A., Ooi, J., Jagaraj, C.J., Goh, C.C., Tissera, H., Wilder-Smith, A., Ng, L.G., Gubler, D.J, St. John, A.L. (2019) Dengue virus-elicited tryptase induces endothelial permeability and shock. Journal of Clinical Investigation. DOI:10.1172/JCI128426

Masri, M.F.B., Rathore, A.P.S., St. John, A.L. (2019) Therapeutics for Dengue. Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases. DOI:10.1007/s40506-019-00193-6

Rathore, A.P.S., Saron, W.A.A., Lim, T., Jahan, N. and St. John, A.L. (2019) Maternal immunity and antibodies to dengue promote infection and Zika virus-induced microcephaly in fetuses. Science Advances. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aav3208

Masri, M.F.B., Mantri, C.K.M., Rathore, A.P.S., St. John, A.L. (2019) Peripheral serotonin causes dengue-induced thrombocytopenia through 5HT2 receptors. Blood. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2018-08-869156

Hsieh, J., Rathore, A.P.S., Soundarajan, G., St. John, A.L. (2019). Japanese encephalitis virus neuropenetrance is driven by mast cell chymase. Nature Communications. 10, Article number: 706 DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-08641-z

St. John, A.L., and Rathore, A.P.S. (2019). Adaptive immune responses to primary and secondary dengue virus infections. Nature Reviews Immunology. DOI:10.1038/s41577-019-0123-x

Mantri CK, St. John AL (2018) Immune synapses between mast cells and γδ T cells limit viral infection. Journal of Clinical Investigation. DOI:10.1172/JCI122530

Arifuzzaman A,  Ang WXG,  Choi HW, Nilles ML, St. John AL, and Abraham SN. (2018) Necroptosis of infiltrated macrophages drives Yersinia pestis dispersal within buboes. JCI Insight. DOI:10.1172/jci.insight.122188

Rathore APS, St. John AL. (2018) Immune responses to dengue virus in the skin. Open Biology. 8: 180087. DOI:10.1098/rsob.180087 

St John, A.L., Ang, W.X.G., Rathore, A.P.S., Abraham, S.N. Reprograming immunity to food allergens. (2018) The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2018.01.020.

Saron, W.A.A., Rathore, A.P.S., Ting, L., Ooi, E.E., Low, J.,  Abraham, S.N., and St. John, A.L. Flavivirus serocomplex cross-reactive immunity is protective by activating heterologous memory CD4 T cells. Science Advances. 4 (2018). DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aar4297

Malavige, G.N., Wijewickrama, A., Fernando, S., Jeewandara, C., Ginneliya, A., Samarasekara, S., Madushanka, P., Punchihewa, C., Paranavitane, S., Idampitiya, D., Wanigatunga, C., Dissanayake, H. Prathapan, S., Gomes, L., Aman, S.A.B., St. John, A.L, & Ogg, G.S. (2018) A preliminary study on efficacy of rupatadine for the treatment of acute dengue infection. Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22285-x

Tissera, H., Rathore, A.P.S., Leong, W.Y., Pike, B.L., Warkentien, T.E., Farouk, F.S., Syenina, A., Ooi, E.E., Gubler, D.J., Wilder-Smith, A., St. John, A.L. (2017) Chymase is a Predictive Biomarker of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Pediatric and Adult Patients. Journal of Infectious Diseases. DOI:10.1093/infdis/jix447 

Morrison, J., Rathore, A.P.S., Mantri, C.K., Aman, S.A.B, Nishida, A. and St. John, A.L. (2017) Transcriptional Profiling Confirms the Therapeutic Effects of Mast Cell Stabilization in a Dengue Disease Model. Journal of Virology. DOI:10.1128/JVI.00617-17

Chan, KR, Wang, X, Saron, WAA, Gan, ES, Tan, HC, Mok, DZL, Zhang, SLX, Lee, Yie Hou, Liang, C, Wijaya, L, Ghosh, S, Cheung, YB, Tannenbaum, SR, Abraham, SN, St. John, AL, Low, JGH, Ooi, EE. (2016) Cross-reactive antibodies enhance live attenuated virus infection for increased immunogenicity. Nature Microbiology. 1, 16164, DOI:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.164

Goh KC, Tang CK, Norton DC, Gan ES, Tan HC, Sun B, Syenina A, Yousuf A, Ong XM, Kamaraj US, Cheung YB, Gubler DJ, Davidson A, St John AL, Sessions OM, Ooi EE. (2016) Molecular determinants of plaque size as an indicator of dengue virus attenuation. Scientific Reports. May 17;6:26100. DOI:10.1038/srep26100

Gómez, J.M.M., O, L.C., Lam, J.H., Aman, S.A.B., Libau, E.A., Lee, P.X., St. John, A.L., Alonso, S. (2016). Maternal antibody-mediated disease enhancement in type I interferon-deficient mice leads to lethal disease associated with liver damage. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Mar 23; 10(3):e0004536. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004536

Li, J.L., Lim, C.H., Tay, F.W., Goh, C.C., Devi, S., Malleret, B., Lee, B., Bakocevic, N., Chong, S.Z., Evrard, M., Tanizaki, H., Lim, H.Y., Russell, B., Renia, L., Zolezzi, F., Poidinger, M., Angeli, V., St. John, A.L., Harris, J.E., Tey, H.L., Tan, S.M., Kabashima, K., Weninger, W., Larbi, A., Ng, L.G. (2015) Neutrophils Self-Regulate Immune Complex-Mediated Cutaneous Inflammation Through CXCL2. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. DOI:10.1038/JID.2015.410

Syenina, A., Jagaraj, C.J., Aman, S.A., Sridharan, A. and St John, A.L. (2015) Dengue vascular leakage is augmented by mast cell degranulation mediated by immunoglobulin Fcγ receptors. eLife. Mar 18;4. DOI:10.7554/eLife.05291

St. John, A.L., Ang, W.X.G., Huang, M.N., Kunder, C.A., Chan, E.W., Gunn, M.D., Abraham, S.N. (2014) S1P-dependent trafficking of intracellular Yersinia pestis through lymph nodes establishes bubos and systemic infection. Immunity. Sep 18;41(3):440-50. DOI:10.1016/j.immuni.2014.07.013

Gubler, D. J. & St. John, A. L., “Dengue Viruses” in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences (Elsevier, 2014). (book chapter)

St. John, A.L. (2013). Influence of Mast Cells on Dengue Protective Immunity and Immune Pathology. PLoS Pathogens. 9(12): e1003783. DOI:0.1371/journal.ppat.1003783

St. John, A.L., Abraham, S. N., and Gubler, D. J. (2013). Barriers to Pre-Clinical Investigations of Anti-Dengue Immunity and Immune-pathology. Nature Reviews Microbiology. Jun;11(6):420-6. DOI:10.1038/nrmicro3030

St. John, A.L.*, Rathore, A. P. S., Raghavan, B., Ng, M. L., and Abraham, S. N. (2013). Contributions of Mast Cells and Vasoactive Products, Leukotrienes and Chymase, to Dengue Virus-Induced Vascular Leakage. eLife. Apr 30;2:e00481. (Featured article with commentary) DOI:10.7554/eLife.00481

St. John, A.L.*, and Abraham, S. N. (2013). Innate Immunity and its Regulation by Mast Cells. Journal of Immunology. May 1;190(9):4458-63. DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1203420

Chan, C.Y., St John, A.L., & Abraham, S.N., (2013). Mast cell interleukin-10 drives localized tolerance in chronic bladder infection. Immunity. 38 (2), 349-359. DOI:10.1016/j.immuni.2012.10.019

St John, A.L.*, Chan, C.Y., Staats, H.F., Leong, K.W. & Abraham, S.N. (2012). Synthetic Mast Cell Granules as Adjuvants to Promote and Polarize Immunity in Lymph Nodes. Nature Materials. 11 (3), 250-257.  (Featured in “News and Views”) DOI:10.1038/nmat3222

Kunder, C.A., St John, A.L.* & Abraham, S.N. (2011). Mast cell modulation of the vascular and lymphatic endothelium. Blood. 118 (20), 5383-5393. DOI:10.1182/blood-2011-07-358432

Chan, C.Y., St John, A.L., & Abraham, S.N. (2011). Plasticity in mast cell responses during bacterial infections. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 15 (1), 78-84. DOI:10.1016/j.mib.2011.10.007

St John, A.L.*, Rathore, A., Yap, H., Metcalfe, D., Ng, M.M., Vasudevan, S. and Abraham, S.N. (2011). Immune surveillance by mast cells during dengue infection promotes natural killer (NK) and NKT-cell recruitment and viral clearance.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 108 (22), 9190-9195 (2011). DOI:10.1073/pnas.1105079108

Abraham, S.N. and St John, A.L. (2010). Mast cell-orchestrated immunity to pathogens. Nature Reviews Immunology. 10(6):440-452. DOI:10.1038/nri2782 

St John, A.L., and Abraham, S.N. (2009). Salmonella disrupts lymph node architecture by TLR4-mediated suppression of homeostatic chemokines. Nature Medicine. 15, 1259-1265. DOI:10.1038/nm.2036

Kunder*, C.A., St John*, A.L., Li, G., Leong, K.W., Berwin, B., Staats, H.F., and Abraham, S.N. (2009). Mast cell-derived particles deliver peripheral signals to remote lymph nodes. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 206, 2455-2467. DOI:10.1084/jem.20090805

Shelburne, C.P., Nakano, H., St John, A.L., Chan, C., McLachlan, J.B., Gunn, M.D., Staats, H.F., and Abraham, S.N. (2009). Mast cells augment adaptive immunity by orchestrating dendritic cell trafficking through infected tissues. Cell Host & Microbe. 6, 331-342. DOI:10.1016/j.chom.2009.09.004

Dzhagalov, I., St John, A., and He, Y.W. (2007). The antiapoptotic protein Mcl-1 is essential for the survival of neutrophils but not macrophages. Blood. 109, 1620-1626. DOI:10.1182/blood-2006-03-013771

© Ashley L. St. John. All rights reserved.

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